By Joseph Houseal | 2017-12-08
Top to bottom, left to right: Padya, Arghya, Puspa, Dhupa, Dipam Ghanda. Dakinis dancing a “living cadence.” 17th century, Tsaparang, Tibet. From Tucci, Indo-Tibetica lll.2, Reale Accademia d’Italia, 1935. Rome. Plates IX, X
Mahasuka-daka dancing coupled with his Dakini. Mural painting. The dakini’s legs are wrapped around the waist of the deity, whose legs, fully splayed, perform a tantric dance requiring extreme skill and control. 17th century, Tsaparang, Tibet. From Tucci, Indo-Tibetica lll.2, Reale Accademia d’Italia, 1935. Rome. Plate XXlll